Monday, March 25, 2013

Swallowing Nails

A pain in my belly

I've been swallowing nails,

Forced upon me

by people who matter.

My secret

but not my shame.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013



Never doing anything for yourself.

To never fix a sandwich

Tie your shoe

Walk to your refridgerator.


Lying in your bed

Unable to walk

Because you've gone

so long without walking

Your muscles being weak and useless.

Helping her isn't helping her.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Sally and Lucy


They entered the dining room,

Sometimes confused,

Finding their seats.

Greeting us with a smile.

A picture I thought I would watch



Poof! They were gone.

Leaving only an image in my mind.

A vision I see every day.

Thursday, March 14, 2013


I have been a victim
so many times.
I have formed callouses
From my head to my toes,
and on the inside,
My callouses protect me.

So, go ahead
Ignore me.
Chasttize me
Throw your knives
and scalding water.
at me.
You cannot hurt me,

Saturday, March 9, 2013

The Passing of LeMar

Ninety years old


In baggy belted pants.

and brown hair

refusing to turn grey

He gave me candy

and always waved at me

while sitting at lunch.

I didn't see him

slip from his body.

I saw and empty chair

that told me he was gone.

In my mind,

I could still see him

sitting there

Smiling and waving.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Nothing Poems

Nothing Poems

Hiding behind nothing poems,

Creating no images,

Telling no secrets,

Expressing no feelings.


I see you.

Bet you can't see me.


Monday, March 4, 2013

Painting People

Words paint sunset over the ocean
attempting to capture
comfort, sadness, peace
Our words are old and used.
Yet each painting different.

So many people in the world
matchless persons
our own combinations
of genes and circumstance.
Our poems mirror our existence
hoping to capture
Us our being.