Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Getting Old

I am in my sixties
I have been worried
about getting old
since I was in my twenties.

It is here.
I am wrinkled
I have a turtle neck
that isn't a sweater.
My joints hurt.
I can't get out of the bathtub.
I can't remember where I put anything.

I wish I could push a button
and delete old age.

Monday, August 30, 2010

What If

Do you ever wonder
what people say about you?
What if no one said anything
about you?
What if no one notices you at all?
Which is worse.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Unmade Bed

In the darkness
That is there
Even when I turn
The lights on

Will it happen again?

The bedroom
With unmade bed
and scattered papers
With unfinished poems.

The spooks.
The imaginary friends
who threaten to kill me.

The blood on the walls
The noose
hanging from the  light fixture.

It is not the same
My thinking is clear.
My house is clean.


Your smile inside my house again.
Can we believe that we have been apart
In that space if time remembered
an evenings journey into sleep.

Life on Earth

It starts when two cells
get together and multiply
growing into a mass
that turns into an embryo
that turns into a baby.

As we grow
we become children
living in a world
covered with millions of living things
seeing many things for the first time.

Our minds learn and grow
until we are between children
and adults.

When we are grown up
each of us has our unique experiences
that shape our whole person.

When we pass from this existance
into the next,
If one of my angel friends
asks me,  "What did you think
of your life on earth?"
I would say
"Interesting but too short."

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Searching for Peace

Who are you?
You in my head.
Where did you come from?
Who is in control?
Did you want to own me?
Would I let you?
Could I stop you?

My mind had
So many broken thoughts
I couldn't stand it.
I wanted to die.

Nobody knew what was wrong with me.
Some people thought I was faking.

Yet, after all these years
Of torment and hard work
I have survived.
And found peace.