Tuesday, December 31, 2013


People worry about people 
looking at them.
I worry about me looking at people
and people catching me
looking at something
I probably shouldn't look at.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Christmas Magic

A child's nose smashed against the window
next to some frozen snowflakes.
The air outside is brisk and still,
Christmas Carols, Silent Night.
Christmas is magic
The trees and the lights
Letters to Santa,
Kids saying they've been good.
In hopes of getting toys and candy
hoping Santa Understood 
and brought the right stuff. 
Carrying around a warm feeling inside,
excitement and peace, 
Joy on Earth
Remembering the manger
The Little Lord Jesus at his birth.


Immerging from my dark hole,
I am covered with mud.
People looking at me
See a pile of mud.
It takes a hose
To spray water and
Wash it away. 
I remain a little dirty. 
When people recognize me
They help me clean up and.
I am back,
Cripy clean and happy..

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Screaming Silence

A child failed to speak and people wondered why.
She failed to cuddle to react to those around her.
"Maybe she's deaf," they wondered
"What's wrong with our baby?"
" Sounds like autism," A doctor declared.
Bewildered parents prayed.
"Help us hear our baby's
silent screaming."