Monday, October 17, 2011

Sneackers The Cat

My old cat
I know you are hurting
That you can't see or hear well.
You are not able to run in fear
When you are startled.
My companion for 18 years
I don't know how long we have.
Purring as I stroke you silky black & white coat,
Reaching out with you white paw,
As if to say "Scratch my head and my belly."
Sensuous in your old age
You old devil
I love you.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

The Blizzard

It was a blizzard.  I had a night class at the University of Utah.  As I was getting ready to go Mom said, ":You can't go out in that."  I was 20 years old and thought I was indistructable.  As Mom was urging me to stay home, I grabbed the car keys and went out.

As I drove up the hill towards the U, it was a white out.  I couldn't see anything but snow coming down.  The road was slushy and my tires began to spin.  The car slid onto the sidewalk.  I was stuck.  A man came along and told me that  would not be able to get off the sidewalk till morning.  He asked me if I wanted to stay with his mother who lived near by.  At the lady's apartment, I called my mother and told her that the car was on the sidewalk and I wouldn't be able to get it off until morning.  She was furious.  She yelled asking, "Is the car allright?" "The cars allright Mom." I answered.  "I'm OK too.  Arem't you glad I'm OK." " I'm worried about the car." she proclaimed.

I spent the night.  Next morning the car was fine and I drove it home..